

The Center is honored to have invited and received respective acceptances from the following distinguished individuals, both domestic and foreign, who are equipped with Confucian and Taoism teachings, peaceful and harmonical international views, and a vision of sustainable global development to serve as advisors to provide, from time to time, sagacious guidance to the Center.


顧問委員會成員 Member of The Advisory Board

孫震 博士 (倫理、社會責任、第六倫)

現  職:臺大經濟系名譽教授、元智大學名譽講座教授、臺大校友總會名譽理事長



Dr. Sun Chen (Ethics, Social Responsibility and the 6th Ethics)

 Current Position

Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University; Professor Emeritus, Yuan Ze University; Honorary Chairman, NTU Alumnus Association


PhD in Economics, Oklahoma University

 Major Experience

President, National Taiwan University (1984 – 1993); Minister of Defense, ROC (February 1993 – Dec. 1994); Chairman, Industrial Technology Research Institute (1995-2000)
He has been an advocate for decades for the 6th ethics to be practiced at workplace, adding to those five ethics named in The Analects of Confucius governing important human relationships. Has authored many books on ethics, corporate ethics, social responsibility and the sixth ethics. Six of those books are on Confucianism and Confucius.


林垂宙 教授 (創新、企業家精神)

現  職:香港浸會大學名譽教授暨校長資深顧問




Prof. Otto Lin(Innovation and entrepreneurship)

 Current Position

Honorary Professor of Business and Senior Advisor to the President, Hong Kong Baptist University; foreign member to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences; member of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences


BS in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University; MA and PhD, Columbia University; AMP, Harvard University

 Major Experience

President, Industrial Technology Research Institute (1988-1994); Vice President – Research and Development, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1997-2007); various honorary/advisory/professorship with many universities across the Taiwan Straits
Since 2010, he has written 5 books on management of technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, soft power, globalization, and national innovation system, linking innovation and entrepreneurship to traditional Chinese culture.


陳定國 教授 (企業政策、經營策略)

現  職:財團法人中華企業研究院創會董事長、社團法人中華民國企業經理協進會名譽理事長



重要經歷:美國台塑J-M公司執行副總裁、美國卜蜂正大集團CP (U.S.A)總裁、香港正大集團資深執行副總裁、臺灣大學商學系所教授、主任、所長

Prof. Ding-Kuo Chen (Business Policy and Corporate Strategy)

 Current Position

Founding Chairman, Chinese Academy of Business; Honorary Chairman, Chinese Professional Management Association; Publisher, Policy & Strategy Review


BS, National Chengkung University; MBA, National Chengchi University; DBA, Michigan University
One of the 15 graduates from the first MBA class in Republic of China and the first Chinese from the two sides of Taiwan Straits to receive a DBA degree.


Learned Chinese classics from Master Nan Huai-Chin (1918-2012) since meeting the latter in Hong Kong in 1988 and becoming one of the latter’s closest disciples, thus incorporating Chinese classical wisdom into his teaching of business policy and corporate strategy.

 Major Experience

EVP, J-M Company, Formosa Plastics Group (USA); President, CP Group (USA); SVP CP Group (HK); Professor, Department Head, Dean and Chair Professor at various business schools in Taiwan
Prof. Chen has authored many books on business policy and corporate strategy.


王祖淼 博士 (儒學、鸞堂文化)

現  職:中華儒道硏究協會名譽副理學長、逢甲大學通識教育中心兼任助理教授



Dr. Frank Wang  (Confucianism, Flying Phoenix Culture)

 Current Position

Honorary Vice Chairman, Confucianism and Taoism Academic China, Taiwan; Adjunct Assistant Professor, the General Education Center, Feng Chia University


PhD in Chinese Philosophy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, mainland China

 Major Experience

Chairman, Confucianism and Taoism Academic China, Taiwan


黃俊傑 教授 (東亞儒學)

現  職:文德書院院長、台灣大學特聘講座教授、中華民國通識教育學會名譽理事長


重要經歷:台大講座教授兼人文社會高等研究院院長、歐洲研究院(Academia Europaea)院士、中華民國通識教育學會理事長


Prof. Chun-Chieh Huang (East Asian Confucianism) 

 Current Position

Distinguished Chair Professor, National Taiwan University; Honorary President of Chinese Association for General Education; member of Academia Europaea


BA and MA in History, National Taiwan University; PhD, the University of Washington

 Major Experience

Advisor to the Confucian Ethics Team of Singapore Ministry of Education; Chair Professor and Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at National Taiwan University (2008-2017); President, the Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia based on Kansai University, Japan (2010-2011)
Awarded with many honors worldwide. Authored numerous books on Confucianism, including a few in English. Many of his books have been translated into English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and, even, Spanish.


公孫策 先生  (經典故事之今用)

現  職:作家、專欄作家



Mr. James Chen  (Pen name: Gon Sun Ce) (Applying stories and antidotes from ancient Chinese books to the modern day life)

 Current Position

Writer and columnist


BS in Plant Pathology, National Taiwan University

 Major Experience

Renown columnist writing for his personal column〈Words To Be Shared In Attic After Moving Away The Ladder〉in the local magazine《Businessweek》for decades.


劉君祖 先生 (《易經》)

現  職:台灣周易文化研究會創會理事長、咸臨書院山長




Mr. Chun-Tsu Liu(《I-Ching》)

 Current Position

Founding Chairperson, the Research Institute of I-Ching; Headmaster, Sianlin Shuyuan


MS in Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University


Learned Chinese classics from Master Yu-Yun (1906-2011)

 Major Experience

Taught and promoted I-Ching and became well-known when teaching I-Ching to then President Lí Teng-Hui (1923-2020) in the 1990s; Chairman, Chunghwa Fongyuan Society
He published numerous books on I-Ching and regularly publishes articles commenting on geopolitical and social events by deciphering hexagrams in according to I-Ching.


唐瑜凌 先生 (儒學)

現  職:中華無盡燈文化學會創辦人




Mr. Yu-Lin Tang(Confucianism)

 Current Position

Founder, the Chinese Wu-Ching-Ting Culture Society


BS in Chemical Engineering, Tatung University


Learned Chinese classics from Buddhist laymen Ping-Nan Li (1891-1986) who was well known for his studies in Confucianism and Buddhism.

 Major Experience

Worked at Place Museum, Taipei; Lectured on Confucianism in Taiwan, mainland China and Malaysia.


陳恆嵩 教授(經學)

現  職:東吳大學中文系教授 



Prof. Hen-Sung Chen (Confucian Classics)

Current Position

Professor, Department of Chinese Literature


PhD in Chinese Literature

Major Experience

Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature


李慶安 女史 (孔孟儒學)

現  職:孫瑞麟基金會董事長、泛太平洋集團新華公司董事暨總經理、




Ms.Diane Lee (Confucius-Mencius Studies)

 Current Position

Chairperson, Sun Ruei Lin Cultural and Educational Foundation; President & Director, Xin Hwa Company, Pan Pacific Group; Executive Director, Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C.


MA in Mass Communication, the University of Maryland

 Major Experience

Chairman, Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C.; Member, Legislative Yuan of the R.O.C.; City Councilwoman, Taipei; TV journalist and anchor person 


蕭育娟 女史(道藏)

現  職:律師、蕭天讚教育基金會董事長




Ms. Joann Hsiao (Dao Treasury)   

 Current Position

Attorney-at-Law; Chairman, Hsiao Tien-Zhang Educational Foundation


Bachelor of Law, National Taiwan University


Learned Chinese classics from Master Yu-Yun (1906-2011)

 Major Experience

Attorney-at-Law; Supervisor, Chunghwa Fongyuan Society



已受邀成為顧問者 Those who have been invited to be advisors

中心的工作是立足臺灣,放眼世界,結合全球具有共同理念者攜手合作。我們已邀請國際知名經濟學者、聯合國永續發展重要推手、2022年「唐獎」永續經營項目得獎人 -- 傑弗瑞•薩克斯教授 (Prof. Jeffrey Sachs) 擔任中心顧問,我們期待他的加入!

The Center's endeavors have a global perspective and will collaborate with all people in the world who share a common vision with the Center. We have invited Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, an internationally renowned economist, key driver of sustainable development at the United Nations, and winner of the 2022 Tang Prize for Sustainability, to serve as advisor to the Center.  He is expected to officially join the Advisory Board soon.

傑弗瑞•薩克斯 (經濟、可持續發展)

現  職:哥倫比亞大學永續發展中心主任、聯合國秘書長古提雷斯(António Guterres) 在永續發展目標事宜上之宣導者



Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (Economics, Sustainable Development)

 Current Position

University Professor, Columbia University; Director, the Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University; President, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; SDG Advocate for United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


MA and PhD in Economics, Harvard University

 Major Experience

Director, the Earth Institute, Columbia University; Special Advisors to three terms of United Nations (UN) Secretary-General



特別顧問  Special Advisor


In addition to the Advisory Board members, the Center is particularly honored to have Mr. Tsui-Chang Kung, the 79th-generation eldest son of Confucius, as Special Advisor to the Center.

孔垂長 先生

現  職:大成至聖先師奉祀官、中華大成至聖先師孔子協會理事長、深圳市至聖孔子基金會會長

Mr. Tsui-Chang Kung

Current Position

Sacrificial Official to Confucius (2009 - ); Chairman, Chinese Association of Confucius, Taiwan; Chairman, Confucius Foundation, mainland China
Being the 79th-generation eldest son of Confucius, he is the titular head of the Kung family worldwide, having a very important symbolic value to all Confucianism followers.