
歷任中心顧問 Former Advisor

黃光國 教授 (在地文化心理學)


重要經歷:臺大心理系名譽教授、Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology 理事長、臺大心理系教授、國科會心理學門召集人、教育部「華人本土心理學研究追求卓越計劃」總主持人

Prof. Kwang-Kuo Hwang(Indigenous and Cultural Psychology)


BS and MS in Psychology, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University; PhD in Social and Cultural Psychology, University of Hawaii

Major Experience

Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University; President, Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (2010 - 2023)、Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University; project leader for many government-sponsored academic research projects
Explored the thoughts and writings of Confucius with special attention to the role of Confucian ideas in shaping Chinese psychology across the ages. He documented the relationship between Chinese psychology and behavior and Confucian thought, especially the critical role of relationism. He noted that Confucian thought places heavy emphasis on morality, context, and the nature of interpersonal relations, which became the foundation for much of his subsequent writings.
Authored many papers and books.