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請至東吳大學校務行政資訊系統查詢 https://web.sys.scu.edu.tw/class40.asp?option=2 |
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電子郵件 | sychang@scu.edu.tw |
論文著作與研究計畫 | [1] 1978, A Note on Stochastical Matrices, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.IV,147-148,Taiwan. [2] 1981, On the Coefficients of Quasiconformality of Cylinder and Starlike Domains, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.VIII,7-18, Taiwan. [3] 1987.06, KKM映射的性質與應用,臺灣大學數學研究所博士論文,72, Taipei, Taiwan. [4] 1989, A Generalization of KKM Principle and its Applications, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.XV,No.1,7-17,Taiwan. [5] 1990, On the Nash equilibrium, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Vol.16,No.2,241-248. [6] 1991, Separation and Von Neumann intersection theorems, Proc. Amer.Math.Soc. Vol.112,No.4.(SCI) [7] 1991, A general fixed point theorem and applications, Chinese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.19,No.3. [8] 1994, Borsuk`s antipodal and fixed-point theorem for set-valuedmaps, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. Vol.121, No.3,937-941.(SCI) [9] 2003, Maximal elements in noncompact spaces with application to equilibria, Pro. Amer. Math. Soc., 132:2(2003), 535-541.(SCI) [10] 2006, Noncompact qualitative games with applications to equilibria, Nonlinear Analysis, 65:3(Aug 2006年), 593-600. (SCI) [11] 2009, Equilibria of noncompact abstract economies in general almost convex strategy spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, 71:11 (1 December 2009), 5363-5367.(SCI) [12] 2010, Inequalities and Nash equilibria, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory, Methods & Applications, 73:9(Nov. 1, 2010), 2933-2940(SCI). [13] 2012, Intersection theorems and their applications in general almost convex spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, 75:9(June, 2012), 3930-3935(SCI). |
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