到北德大參訪 (University of North Texas, Denton, U.S.A.)


時間:94年2月12日  - 18日

地點:(University of North Texas, Denton, U.S.A.)

活動內容:黃秀端主任、黃默教授、陳立剛副教授代表本系至University of North Texas, Denton, U.S.A.訪問與演講


  1. The Relationship between the Executive and Legislative Branches in Taiwan: A Comparison of Majority Government with Minority Government, by Shiow-duan Hawang
  2. Opinion Polls and Electoral Results in SNTV Electoral System in Taiwan, by Shiow-duan Hawang
  3. Human Rights Movement in Taiwan, by Mab Huang
  4. Radical Evil and Transitional Justice:Kant, Arendt and Nino, by Mab Huang


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