The illiterate of the 21st century won't be those who can't read & write but those who can't learn unlearn & relearn. 21世紀的文盲不再是那些不會讀寫的人,而是那些無法學習、不肯學習,以及不願重新學習的人。 艾文‧托佛勒(Alvin Toffler),未來學大師 |
English Board Game Fun英文桌遊趣【城中】
劇裡劇外:跟著 Friends 說英文【城中】
微 課 程 報 名 流 程 Micro-Course Registration Process
1. 提交個人資料:請先填寫線上申請表(網址如下) ,畫面無顯示代表未開放。填完申請表不代表報名成功,學生學習資源組保留參加資格審核之權利。
Submit Personal Information:Please first fill out the online application form (link provided below). If the page doesn't display, it means the application is not yet open. Completing the application form does not guarantee successful registration; the Learning Resource Division reserves the right to review qualifications.
- English Board Game Fun英文桌遊趣(5週,全英文授課)
報名期間:即日起至2/27(四)中午12:30止 報名請點選我Application form link
- 劇裡劇外:跟著 Friends 說英文(5週,中文授課)
報名期間:即日起至2/27(四)中午12:30止 報名請點選我Application form link
- 多益實戰淬鍊計畫(8週,中文授課)
報名期間:即日起至2/27(四)中午12:30止 報名請點選我Application form link
- 英語充電站-8週實戰營(8週,中文授課)
報名期間:即日起至2/27(四)中午12:30止 報名請點選我Application form link
2. 學生學習資源組會於每一門微課程開課前統一檢查,待學生學習資源組查核資格並寄送確認信,才算報名成功,額滿為止(10人以上開班)
The Learning Resource Division will check the eligibility of applicants before each micro-course begins. Once the qualifications are verified and a confirmation email is sent, the registration is considered successful, subject to seat availability (a minimum of 10 participants is required to open a class).
If the course is fully booked, please fill out the "Waitlist Form." The Learning Resource Division will contact the waitlisted students in order if any spots become available.
***【Fill out the application form】→【The Learning Resource Division reviews registration qualifications】→【Receive confirmation/class notification email from the Learning Resource Division , indicating successful registration】***
- 請務必填寫線上申請表,並確保您的電子郵件信箱正確性,若查無資料將不予受理。
- 額滿截止
- 學生學習資源組保留課程師資、內容、時段等課務相關彈性調整及變更的權利,如有任何異動,將進行公告與通知。
- 學生學習資源組得就課程活動進行錄音、錄影及拍照,報名者需同意主辦單位有權使用過程中所生之聲音、影像、照片,作為簡介、教學、成果展現、課程行銷宣傳等目的之使用。
Important Notes:
- Please make sure to fill out the online application form and ensure the accuracy of your email address. Applications without complete information will not be processed.
- Registrations will close once the class is full.
- The Learning Resource Division reserves the right to make flexible adjustments and changes to course-related matters, including instructors, content, and schedules. Any changes will be announced and notified.
- The Learning Resource Division may record, videotape, and photograph course activities. By registering, participants agree that the organizing unit has the right to use the audio, video, and photos taken during the activities for purposes such as introductions, teaching, showcasing outcomes, and course marketing.
課 程 規 定 與 獎 勵 及 罰 則 Course Regulations, Rewards, and Penalties
- 如遇人數不足或無空間可使用,則當學期不開班,並E-Mail通知。
- 在課程開始前,須填寫課程「前測問卷」。
- 每次上課務必向授課老師簽名簽到,出席記錄以簽到表為憑。
- 如無法出席,一律要線上請假(請點選我),請假記錄會與出席記錄核對。未請假者視為曠課,曠課1次/天列入黑名單不得報名「次一學期」微課程。
- 在第二次/天上課前,如有個人因素無法繼續上課,須向學生學習資源組提出退課申請(請點選我)。否則列入黑名單不得報名「次一學期」微課程。
- 請於指定期限內填寫課程「後測問卷」。
Before the Course Begins
- If the number of participants is insufficient or space is unavailable, the course will not be offered for that semester, and participants will be notified via email.
- Participants must complete the "Pre-Course Questionnaire" before the course begins.
During the Course
- Each time you attend class, you must sign in with the instructor. Attendance records are based on the sign-in sheet.
- If you cannot attend, you must apply for leave online. Leave records will be verified against attendance records. If you do not apply for leave, it will be considered an absence. Students with one or more absences per day will be blacklisted and will not be allowed to register for micro-courses in the "next semester."
- If, for personal reasons, you cannot continue attending the course before the second class/session, you must submit a withdrawal application to the Learning Resource Division (click here). Otherwise, you will be blacklisted and will not be allowed to register for micro-courses in the "next semester."
After the Course
- Please complete the "Post-Course Questionnaire" within the specified time.
★★★★★ 獎 勵 Rewards ★★★★★
- 上課數達8成以上(例如10週課程須上課滿8次、9週課程須上課滿7次、 8週課程須上課滿6次、7週課程須上課滿5次、5週課程須上課滿4次)。
- 完成前測問卷。
- 完成後測問卷。
- 完成課程指定任務/作業。
Students who register for the course and complete all the following tasks will receive a "Certificate of Attendance (digital file for sustainability)."
Additionally, they can apply for a "Micro-Course Learning Reward of $500" from the Learning Resource Division.
- Attend at least 80% of the classes (e.g., attend at least 8 sessions for a 10-week course, 7 sessions for a 9-week course, 6 sessions for an 8-week course, 5 sessions for a 7-week course, 4 sessions for a 5-week course ).
- Complete the pre-course survey.
- Complete the post-course survey.
- Complete the assigned tasks/assignments.
╬ ╬ ╬ 罰 則 Penalties ╬ ╬ ╬
報名微課程的學生,如上課次數未達5成(10週僅出席4次(含)以下、9週僅出席4次(含)以下、7週僅出席3次(含)以下、 5週僅出席2次(含)以下)、或是曠課1次/天(含)以上 ,則列入黑名單不得報名「次一學期」微課程。
Students who register for micro-courses but attend less than 50% of the classes (e.g., attend 4 or fewer sessions for a 10-week course, 4 or fewer sessions for a 9-week course, 3 or fewer sessions for a 7-week course, 2 or fewer sessions for a 5-week course), or are absent for one or more classes per day, will be blacklisted and will not be allowed to register for micro-courses in the "next semester."
微課程學習獎勵金Micro-course learning reward 微課程學習獎勵補助作業要點
- 符合資格者需於微課程結束3天內(含假日),提交線上申請表(請點選我) 。舉例:3/7微課程結束,申請者需於3/10 晚上23:59前送出線上申請表。
- 學生學習資源組於收件截止2週內完成審核,並Email通知審核結果。
- 微課程學習獎勵金統一於學期末(1~2月、6~7月)進行核銷,校內撥款流程約2~3週,匯款至學生留存於學校系統之帳戶。
- 匯款帳戶資料登錄與更新方式請詳閱東吳大學出納組之網頁說明。
Application Process:
- Eligible individuals must submit the online application form (click here) within three days after the end of the micro-course, including holidays. For example, if the micro-course ends on March 7, applicants must submit the online application form by 11:59 PM on March 10.
- The Learning Resource Division will complete the review process within two weeks after the application deadline and notify applicants of the results via email.
- The micro-course learning rewards will be transferred to the student's account registered in the school's system within one month after the review.
- For information on registering and updating remittance account details, please refer to the website of the Soochow University Cashier Section.
Q1. 外籍學生沒有中華民國的郵局或銀行帳戶怎麼辦?可以領現金嗎?
- 目前本組的獎金發放,僅提供匯款方式至中華民國的郵局或銀行帳戶,不提供支領現金服務。若外籍學生沒有帳戶,請準備居留證、第二身分證明文件(護照、健保卡或駕照等)及印鑑,親自到郵局或銀行辦理。
無居留證者,須提示護照、「中華民國統一證號基資表」(向內政部移民署各縣市服務站申請) - 建議辦理郵局帳戶,若為銀行帳戶需自行負擔轉帳手續費30元。
- 此外,外籍學生領取獎金時,一律需扣除20%所得稅。
- 大陸地區學生依據「大陸地區人民來臺就讀專科以上學校辦法-第14條」規定,無法領取獎金。但是仍可參與本活動,符合資格申請者,本組會提供同等價值之禮品,以資鼓勵。
Q2. 中國國籍學生和短期交換學生可以參加微課程嗎?
- 微課程歡迎所有東吳在校生報名參加。只是本活動獎勵金發放對象不含陸生及短期交換生,符合資格申請者,本組會提供同等價值之禮品,以資鼓勵。
Q3. 外籍學生沒有居留證,沒辦法申請中華民國的郵局或銀行帳戶。
- 如果外籍學生沒有居留證,必須另外準備中華民國統一證號基資表。請攜帶護照正本、影本各一份,以及中華民國統一證號申請表(點我下載),到移民署各縣市服務站辦理。欲申請入出國日期證明書,也請至移民署服務站。
Q1. What if foreign students don't have a Republic of China postal or bank account? Can they receive cash?
- Currently, the only method of disbursement for this course awards is via transfer to a Republic of China postal or bank account. Cash payment is not available. If foreign students do not have an account, they must prepare a residence permit, a second form of identification (such as a passport, health insurance card, or driver's license), and a seal, and visit a post office or bank in person.
For those without a residence permit, a passport and a “Basic Information Form for Uniform ID Number” (apply at any service station of the National Immigration Agency) are required. - It is recommended to open a postal account. If opening a bank account, a handling fee of 30 TWD for the transfer will be the student's responsibility.
- Additionally, a 20% income tax will be deducted from the awards for all foreign students.
- Students from Mainland China cannot receive awards according to Article 14 of the "Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Mainland China in Institutions of Higher Education in Taiwan." However, they can still participate in this event, and those who qualify will receive a gift of equal value as an encouragement.
Q2. Can students from Mainland China and short-term exchange students participate in the micro-courses?
- All current students of Soochow University are welcome to participate in the micro-courses. However, the award recipients do not include students from Mainland China and short-term exchange students. Those who qualify for the application will receive a gift of equal value as an encouragement.
Q3. What if foreign students don't have a residence permit and can't apply for a Republic of China postal or bank account?
- If foreign students do not have a residence permit, they must prepare a “Basic Information Form for Uniform ID Number” in addition to the original and a photocopy of their passport. The form can be downloaded here and must be brought to any service station of the National Immigration Agency for processing. To apply for an Entry and Exit Certificate, please visit the service station.
Address: No. 15, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100-66, Taiwan, ROC.
Address: No. 135, Min’an St., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.)