


  • 2018 國立臺灣大學化學系  博士


  • 2024/08~迄今  東吳大學化學系  助理教授
  • 2022/08~2024/07  東吳大學化學系  專案助理教授
  • 2022/04~2022/07  中央研究院化學所  中央研究院博士後研究員
  • 2021/04~2022/03  日本九州大學工學府  特任助理教授
  • 2018/07~2021/03  日本九州大學工學府  博士後研究員


  1. 電話: (02)2881-9471
  2. E-mail: leeyiting@scu.edu.tw
  3. 地址(辦公室) : 台北市士林區11102臨溪路70號超庸館3F (M303-1)







  1. Chin-Yiu Chan,* Subeesh Madayanad Suresh, Yi-Ting Lee, Youichi Tsuchiya, Tomas Matulaitis, David Hall, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, Stuart Warriner, David Beljonne, Yoann Olivier, Chihaya Adachi,* Eli Zysman-Colman* Two boron atoms versus one: high-performance deep-blue multi-resonance thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters. Chemical Communications journal, 2022,
    DOI: 10.1039/d2cc03347j

  2. Yi-Ting Lee, Chin-Yiu Chan,* Masaki Tanaka, Masashi Mamada, Kenichi Goushi, Xun Tang, Youichi Tsuchiya, Hajime Nakanotani, Chihaya Adachi* Tailor-Made Multi-Resonance Terminal Emitters toward Narrowband, High-Efficiency, and Stable Hyperfluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
      Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 2200682.

  3. Chin-Yiu Chan,* Yi-Ting Lee, Masashi Mamada, Kenichi Goushi, Youichi Tsuchiya, Hajime Nakanotani, Chihaya Adachi* Carbazole-2-carbonitrile as an acceptor in deep-blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters for narrowing charge-transfer emissions.
      Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 7821.

  4. Yuanhui Sun; Bochen Liu; Yue Guo; Xi Chen; Yi-Ting Lee; Zhao Feng; Chihaya Adachi; Guijiang Zhou; Zhao Chen; Xiaolong Yang Developing Efficient Dinuclear Pt(II) Complexes Based on the Triphenylamine Core for High-Efficiency Solution-Processed OLEDs.  
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
    , 2021, 13, 30, 36020.

  5. Jian Haur Lee, Hung-Yi Lin, Chia-Hsun Chen, Yi-Ting Lee, Tien-Lung Chiu,* Jiun-Haw Lee,* Chin-Ti Chen,* Chihaya Adachi* Deep Blue Fluorescent Material with an Extremely High Ratio of Horizontal Orientation to Enhance Light Outcoupling Efficiency (44%) and External Quantum Efficiency in Doped and Non-Doped Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 34605-34615.

  6. Umamahesh Balijapalli,* Yi-Ting Lee, Buddhika S. B. Karunathilaka, Ganbaatar Tumen-Ulzii, Morgan Auffray, Youichi Tsuchiya, Hajime Nakanotani,* Chihaya Adachi* Tetrabenzo[a,c]-phenazine backbone for highly efficient orangered thermally-activated delayed fluorescence with completely horizontal molecular orientation. (Co-first author)
      Angewandte Chemie, 2021, 19364.

  7. Yi-Ting Lee, Chin-Yiu Chan, Masaki Tanaka, Masashi Mamada, Umamahesh Balijapalli, Youichi Tsuchiya, Hajime Nakanotani, Takuji Hatakeyama, Chihaya Adachi* Investigating HOMO Energy Levels of Terminal Emitters for Realizing High-Brightness and Stable TADF-Assisted Fluorescence Organic Light-Emitting Diodes.
    Advanced Electronic Materials, 2021, 7, 4, 2001090.

  8. Chin-Yiu Chan, Masaki Tanaka, Yi-Ting Lee, Yiu-Wing Wong, Hajime Nakanotani, Takuji Hatakeyama, Chihaya Adachi* Stable pure-blue hyperfluorescence organic light-emitting diodes with high-efficiency and narrow emission.
      Nat. Photonics, 2021, 15, 203 – 207.
  9. Xun Tang, Yi-Ting Lee, Zhao Feng, Soo Young Ko, Jeong Weon Wu, Virginie Placide, Jean-Charles Ribierre, Anthony D’Aléo, Chihaya Adachi* Color-Tunable Low-Threshold Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Yellow to Near-Infrared (NIR) Based on Donor–Spacer–Acceptor–Spacer–Donor Linear Dyes.
      ACS Materials Lett.2020, 2, 1567 – 1574.

  10. Yi-Ting Lee, Po-Chen Tseng, Takeshi Komino, Masashi Mamada, Ruby Janet Ortiz, Man-kit Leung, Tien-Lung Chiu, Chi-Feng Lin, Jiun-Haw Lee*, Chihaya Adachi*, Chao-Tsen Chen*, Chin-Ti Chen* Simple Molecular-Engineering Approach for Enhancing Orientation and Out-Coupling Efficiency of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Emitters without Red-Shifting Emission.
      ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018-10, 50, 43842 – 43849.

  11. Yi-Ting Lee, Min Wang, Ken Kokubo, Nam-Goo Kang, Lawrence Wolf, Loon-Seng Tan, Chin-Ti Chen∗, Long Chiang* New 3D-stereoconfigurated cis-tris(fluorenylphenylamino)-benzene with large steric hindrance to minimize π–π stacking in thin-film devices.
      DYES AND PIGMENTS 2018-02, 149, 377-386.

  12. Jhao-Lin Wu, Yi-Ting Lee, Chin-Ti Chen*, Chao-Tsen Chen* Solution-processed Small Molecular Materials: Bulk Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaic Materials, Host Materials for Phosphorescence Organic Light-emitting Diodes, and Nondopant Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Materials.
      JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2018-01, 65(1) 87-106.

  13. Chen, C.-T.; Lee, Y.-T.; Lee, M.-T.; Chiang, P.-H.; Chen, C.-W.; Lee, C.-C.Organic Luminous Material and Organic Electroluminscent Apparatus.
      US Patent US20130126834 A1, 2013.

  14. Chen, C.-T. (陳錦地)、Lee, Y-T.(李怡葶)、Lee, M.-T. (李孟庭)、Chiang, P.-H. (江柏軒)、Chen, C.-W. (陳介偉)、Lee, C.-C. (李重君)
      ROC Patent (中華民國專利) No. I 427136 2014.

  15. Lee, M.-T. (李孟庭)、Chiang, P.-H. (江柏軒)、Chen, C.-W. (陳介偉)、Lee, C.-C. (李重君)、Chen, C.-T. (陳錦地)、Lee, Y-T.(李怡葶)
      ROC Patent (中華民國專利) No. I 425077 2014.

  16. Chen, C.-T.; Lee, Y.-T.; Lee, M.-T.; Chiang, P.-H.; Chen, C.-W.; Lee, C.-C.Organic Luminous Material and Organic Electroluminscent Device.
      CN Patent CN 10253352 A, 2012.

  17. Lee, M.-T.; Chiang, P.-H.; Chen, C.-W.; Lee, C.-C.; Chen, C.-T.; Lee, Y.-T.Organic Luminous Material Used in Electroluminescent Apparatus.
      CN Patent CN 102447078 A, 2012.







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