

  • 英文學系:學士班3班、進修學士班1班、碩士班
  • 日本語文學系:學士班3班、進修學士班2班、碩士班、碩士在職專班、博士班
  • 德國文化學系:學士班1班、碩士班
  • 跨領域國際學士班:招收30名外國學生。


  • Organization
    School of Foreign Languages and Cultures was founded in 1984. It consists of the Departments of English Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Culture, German Language and Culture, and Language Center. Further information:
    1. Department of English Language and Literature: 3 undergraduate classes, 1 night school, and graduate program
    2. Department of Japanese Language and Culture: 3 undergraduate classes, 1 night school, 2 graduate programs, 1 Ph.D program
    3. Department of German Language and Culture: 1 undergraduate class, and 1 graduate program
    4.Global Program in Interdisciplinary Studies: 30 foreign students every year, undergraduate classes
  • We have about 2500 students, 62 full-time teachers ,  140 part-time teachers, and 18 staff.




    • 1954年東吳大學在台復校時,設立的五個學系之中就已有外國語文學系(英國語文學系),當時暫隸法學院。1970年文學院成立時復改屬文學院。
    • 1972年外國語文學系擴增,乃有東方語文組,1973年又設德國語文組。
    • 1975年三組升制為英國語文學系、東方語文學系及德國語文學系。
    • 1980年「東方語文學系」奉准更名為「日語學系」,仍隸屬文學院。
    • 19843月在前校長 楊其銑先生支持及蔡茂豐教授(現為本院榮譽院長)的主持下,外國語文學院名稱正式登入東吳校史,下設英國語文學系,日本語文學系(「日語學系」同時更名)及德國語文學系三系。
    • 日本語文學系於1980年及1990年分別成立碩士班及博士班。
    • 德國語文學系自1997年起更名為德國文化學系、碩士班於2002年開始招生。
    • 英國語文學系「比較文學碩士班」於2001年開始招生。2003年學系更名為英文學系。2011年碩士班更名為英文學系碩士班。2018年更名為英文學系翻譯碩士班
    • 語言中心成立於1965年,最早隸屬外國語文學系,1983年隸屬文學院,1984學年外國語文學院成立,改隸屬之;19958月,改為校級直屬單位,負責本校「英語聽講實習」課程及語言教學儀器設施之規劃及管理,19978月又重屬外國語文學院,支援全校外國語言教學。2007年起因應業務變動,改名為「語言教學中心」。2010年成立「實用英語學程」。
    • 2014年適逢建院三十周年,辦理相關慶祝活動。  
    • 2019年適逢建院三十五周年,辦理相關慶祝活動。
    • 2021年本校成立校級「東亞區域發展研究中心」,由外語學院兼辦行政業務。
    • 2021年奉准成立「跨領域國際學士班」,2022年8月起開始招生首屆新生。
    • 2024年 適逢建院四十周年,辦理相關慶祝活動。

     SCU was reactivated in 1954. By that time, Department of Foreign Languages (Department of English Language) was one of the five earliest founded departments, and regulated by Law School.
     In 1972, School of Foreign Languages and Cultures expanded with groups of Eastern Language and German Language.
     In 1975, the three groups were changed into Departments of English Language, Eastern Languages, and German Language.
     In 1980, Department of Eastern Language was renamed to Department of Japanese Language and Culture, and was regulated by School of Human Science then.
     In 1984, with the efforts of former president Dr. Yang, Chi-hsiang and Prof. TSAI, Mao-Feng (is now our honored dean), the name of School of Foreign Languages and Cultures was officially included in university’s chronology, with three departments of English Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Culture, and German Language and Culture.
     Department of Japanese Language and Culture set up graduate and PhD programs in 1980 and 1990 respectively.
     In 1997, German Department was renamed to Department of German Language and Culture. In 2002, they started to enroll students for graduate program.
     “The Graduate Program of Comparative Literature” of English Department was founded in 2001. In 2003, English Department was renamed to Department of English Language and Literature.
     The Language Center was founded in 1965. At first it was regulated by Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, and was later regulated by School of Liberal Arts in 1983. Until 1984, the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures was founded, the Language Center was then included in it. But in 1995 August, the Language Center was directly regulated by the university, and responsible for non-English major course of “English Listening” and maintenance of laboratory and equipment. In August 1997, it was again regulated by School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. In 2007, it was renamed to “Language Teaching Center.”



    本院教育目標在「培育學有專精的優秀外語人才」,並使學生具備以下核心能力:1.優質外語聽說讀寫譯能力 2.專業外語能力與人文素養 3.跨文化溝通能力 4.宏觀國際視野。

    • 英文學系:學士班以實用英語為基礎,培養語文能力;並以英美文學與基礎語言學的知識提升英文的深度與廣度,強調恢弘的人文傳統和豐富的文化內涵。碩士班的主要教育宗旨,在於培養學生的研究能力及語言技巧。藉由訓練與教學,強調以英文進行批判性思考和論述,以及藉由廣泛分析英文文本來增進研究素養。
    • 日本語文學系:以培養學生學習及研究日本語文學為宗旨。學士班以培育通曉日本語文、熟知日本國情、具有國際視野、能促進中日文化交流之人才為主;碩士班以培養日本語學、日本文學、日語教育學領域之研究人才及日語師資為目標;博士班以培養日本語學、日語教育學領域之高級研究人才為目標。本系教師教學態度嚴謹,理論與實務並重。除了對學生之課業要求嚴格之外,平時亦注重培養團隊精神及師生、同學間之倫理觀念,並強調大學生對國家、社會之責任。
    • 德國文化學系:學士班的教學目標在培養學生聽、說、讀、寫、譯之德語文能力、教授德國人文、社會科學及經貿等相關知識與培養國際視野及跨文化認知能力;碩士班則是以培養研究德語系國家文化能力及具有科際整合研究能力之人才為宗旨。
    • 語言教學中心:肩負本校「共同外文」及「實用英語學程」 之教學與行政工作,掌管全校語言教室及外語自學室設備,並提供支援外語學習各項自學活動。
    • 跨領域國際學士班:培育具跨領域學習能力之外籍華語人才。

    ●Educational Objectives

    To train students with deep understandings of the language and the cultural backgrounds.

    1. Department of English Language and Literature
    The objective of the Department of English Language and Literature is to develop students’ language ability with basic training courses focusing on practical English. The curriculum is designed to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating abilities so that they are equipped with language aptitude and specialties in related fields for future careers. The main goal of the department is to fulfill both cultural and social functions of college education with English teaching in both language and culture.
    2. Department of Japanese Language and Culture
    The Japanese Language and Culture stresses to foster students' abilities in Japanese Language skills, deeper understanding to the Japanese culture and affairs, and also bring up students' international vision, promote the talent for the culture exchange between Taiwan and Japan.
    3. Department of German Language and Culture
    The Department of German Language and Culture aims to develop students’ skills of German listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation. Students acquire knowledge of German culture, society, trade and economy, to expand their international view and cross-cultural cognition. For graduate program, we aim to cultivate students to be researchers in German cultural studies.
    4. Language Center
    We are responsible for: teaching English to all non-English majors, managing the school’s language classroom equipment, and providing various self-access foreign language learning activities.
    5.Global Program in Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The  Program aims to cultivate foreign talents in Chinese with the abilities required for interdisciplinary learning.


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