
   學 生 回 饋   

1. 英文桌遊微課程提供一個輕鬆、風險較小的環境讓人嘗試開口說英文,對平時沒有機會用到英語對話的我來說是一個很難得的機會。同時也了解到在實際溝通時,除了單字與文法之外,選擇一種容易讓人理解與意會的方式也同樣重要。
2. 這次是我第二次參與桌遊微課程, 很喜歡課堂上老師與同學們的互動,也很喜歡班上的氣氛!由於在日常生活中使用英文的機會較少,因此很開心能夠透過這項課程,以輕鬆有趣的方式增加接觸英文的機會,同時也豐富自己的大學生活!
3. 藉由此次活動我接觸到了更多不同的桌游,也認識了不少新朋友,讓我得以在繁忙的校園生活中找到屬於自己的一片天地,享受桌遊帶給我的樂趣。
4. 參與此次英文桌遊趣活動是一次極具收穫的體驗。透過遊戲,我不僅提升了英語溝通能力,還學會了團隊合作和問題解決的技巧。遊戲中的情境讓我能夠在輕鬆的氛圍下自然地運用語言,同時與其他同學建立良好的互動關係,此次活動不僅是一次學習的機會,也讓我們享受了英文桌遊帶給我們的樂趣。
5. 在這堂課程中,能夠促使自己用英文和其他同學交流,並且認識更多的英文單字,而且在這堂課中,最大的收穫就是結交到各系不同的朋友。
6. 在這次的課程中,我們用英文玩了幾款桌遊,這讓我練習了英語口說,也讓我更用勇於用英文去表達自己的想法與意見、增進和他人溝通的能力。
7. 有一個全英文環境可以讓我練習英文口說,而且很輕鬆沒有壓力,用英文玩桌遊很開心又有收穫。
8. 為了想贏,會開口說英文,而且感覺有種用盡自己的單字庫。是我上過最有趣的桌遊課。


   課 程 照 片   


   活 動 報 導   



曼哈頓學院語言學家John McWhorter曾表示,到了2050年,世界半數人口都會說英文。然而在台灣,英語學習的最大挑戰之一是學生不敢開口說,為讓學生「無痛」學習,學生學習資源組112-2學期開設以桌遊為題的英文微課程「English Board Game Fun英文桌遊趣」,特邀請英語教學經驗豐富的Carol陳巧加老師、Peggy王珮如老師帶領同學一起玩桌遊,幫助學生自信地用英語表達自我。

本學期透過5款風格不同的桌遊,「What Am I」、「The Mind」、Codename」、「Dixit」、以及「Avalon」,在遊戲裡,「沒有人是局外人」-學生不再是旁觀者,他們進行角色扮演、團隊合作,努力獲得遊戲勝利。通過互動遊戲來激發學生的興趣,使英語學習變得生動有趣,同時也提升學習的效果。即使每次課程時間已到,學生們對於遊戲依然興致高昂,紛紛要求繼續玩下去。桌遊所帶來的歡樂和樂趣讓他們深陷其中,忘記了時間的流逝。這種自發性的學習態度證明了遊戲的魅力,更是一種對學習的熱情和投入的最好體現。



112-2 「English Board Game Fun英文桌遊趣」己經結束,但英文學習永不停歇,歡迎有興趣的同學持續關注下學期微課程開課資訊。



   English Board Game Fun   

   英 文 桌 遊 趣   

Let's play board games.

你是否平日課業壓力很大呢? 讓我們一起來"輕鬆玩桌遊"
你是否厭倦苦悶的英文學習? 讓我們一起來"輕鬆玩英文"
你是否想玩遊戲,順便學習語言呢? 讓我們一起來"English Board Game Fun"


Do you ever feel stressful from daily school tasks?  Let’s play board games together!
Are you sick of stiffed English learning?  Let’s play English together!
Do you want to learn a language while playing games?  Come with us in “English Board Game Fun”!
Play games regardless of nationality, as long as you are a Soochow University student, come with us in “English Board Game Fun”!

In this class, you will not only play with board games but also with English.
Joining English Board Game Fun makes you learn many games and enables you to teach peers to play, also to know more people.  It is a stress reliever and a brainstorming.  There will be no tests, scores, vocabulary, grammar, nor any patterns to be memorized.  Lecturers will use all-English during the course (they will translate in Chinese when it’s necessary).  Throughout the brainstorming of board games, your English oral and listening abilities will upgrade unconsciously.

   課 程 資 訊        報名前請參閱報名資訊網頁 ,確定報名請點選我

上課日期 Date 3/16、3/30、4/13、4/27、5/11,星期六Saturdays,5 weeks
上課時間 Time 09:30~11:30,每堂課2小時
上課教室 Classroom

城中校區Downtown campus(教室位置已Email通知)

上課須知 Notice 請確實簽到Please make sure to sign in for each class.
Teaching Method
Teachers will lead and make demonstrations in English and let students practice while playing.
授課教師 Teacher

Carol 陳巧如老師

- 致理科⼤英⽂系畢業
- ⼼理劇課程研習
- 幼教英⽂老師
- 補教英⽂老師
- 東吳大學英文桌遊微課程老師

- Chihlee University of Technology, English Major 
- TESOL certificate
- Psychodrama course study
- Preschool English teacher
- Teacher of English cram school
- English board game teacher at SCU

Peggy 王珮如老師

- 東吳⼤學⽇本語⽂學系畢業
- 外貿協會ITI兩年組畢業
- 英⽂秘書
- TOEIC 880分
- 補教英⽂老師
- 東吳大學英文桌遊微課程老師

- Japanese Major at SCU
- Double major at ITI
- English secretary
- TOEIC sores at 880
- Teacher of English cram school
- English board game teacher at SCU

Course Attendance Encouragement:




          說明1.檔案請寄信至sr@gm.scu.edu.tw,主旨:EBGF-1234 Thoughts(數字請寫上課日期),信件內容:姓名、學號、檔名為個人姓名與上課日期的心得檔案(例:曾佳芬1234.doc、曾佳芬1234.mp4)。

          說明3.預約請寄信至sr@gm.scu.edu.tw,主旨:EBGF-Apply for Leading Board Games,信件內容:姓名、學號、預約細節(時段、哪款桌遊、使用雙溪D0509或城中5615學生學習進行室)、揪團玩遊戲人數。

Points Accumulation Awards:
The top 3 students who get the highest points win a set of selected board game.

Accumulation Period:
Mar. 16th~May 7th
Teachers will give awards on May 11th, the last class on Saturday.

Scoring Rules:

Rule 1: Teachers will choose 2 students who perform actively at the end of the first~forth classes. Each of them will get 3 points.

Rule 2: In three days of every class (the first~forth class), if you write a reflection in English (more than 200 words) of the course that week, you get 1 point.
If you video record a film expressing your thoughts in English (more than 30 seconds) of the course that week, you get 2 points.
P.S. Please email the file to
Subject: EBGF-0316 Thoughts
Numbers represent the date of the class
Content: Your name, student ID number, attached file (eg. Alex0316.doc, Alex0316.mp4.) named after your own name and the date of the class

Rule 3: Leading Board Games
A “leader” who invites friends to lead an English board game will get 3 points.  And other attendees will get 1 point.

P.S.1 Leaders need to make reservations to Learning Resource Division (i.e. SLRD).

P.S.2 Whenever you make reservations of time slots and classrooms (or board games only) to SLRD, the number of attendees needs to be informed in advance.  If the number doesn’t reach the maximum of the game, our division will post the information on the bulletin board for all students to apply participating.

P.S.3 Please email your reservation to
Subject: EBGF-Apply for Leading Board Games
Content: Your name, student ID number, reservation details (time, board game, room D0509 at Waishuanghsi Campus or room 5615 at Downtown Campus), and number of players

P.S.4 You need to make reservations at least 7 days ago.  For example, if you want to lead a board game on March 17th, you have to email your application to SLRD no later than March 10th.

P.S.5 In 3 days of your leading game, leaders please email the photos or videos at the scene by “REPLYING ALL” to your reservation email.  You CANNOT get any points without sending this email.

P.S.6 Leaders can be scored maximum twice per week.  However, there is no limitation of scoring attendees.


   課 程 大 綱   

  Theme Content

★What am I



Via simple games which require massive conversations, students have to interact with  each other and break the ice rapidly.  Let students have basic mutual understanding for following courses.





Students will be separated in teams and will practice describing things with imagination.  Also by teamwork opportunity, the consensus in the same team will be activated.





Bringing in psychology-related games for in-depth conversion:
Everyone has different feelings towards the same object or situation.  These games strengthen our observation and interaction skills, and also enable students to express their feelings and respect others at the same time.



★The Mind


Advanced psychology-related game:
The course is not only for English practice, but also for self-adjustment and observation during the games.  Students will gain positive learning through the correct guidance of others. This week, a team-cooperation-game is also added to make English practice much more fun!




Introducing board games in groups:
Students will introduce the games that were played in class.  This will reinforce the abilities of English expression, class-control, and teamwork.


   課 程 說 明   



Course Description:
Besides learning fun games, it activates you thinking in English, enforces your reaction and communication skills. In this phubbing era, we can shorten the distance between people by playing and interacting with new friends.  There’s also a part for students to practice teaching games so that you can use English spontaneously, which enables you no longer fear of speaking English.

Course Purpose:
Enjoying the fun that board games brings you and making new friends at the same time.  Enhancing your English logics and oral expression ability.

   適 合 對 象   


Suitable for:

◆ Whoever is interested in playing or learning new board games, also wants to expand his/her social circle.
◆ Whoever wants to gain satisfaction from being able to BOTH play and teach board games.
◆ Whoever wants to increase his/her oral or expressive ability.
◆ Course participants are advised to have a TOEIC score of 500 points or more.

   報 名 前 注 意 事 項:   

  • 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  • 課程中為尊重講師智財權,勿以任何形式錄音或錄影
  • 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。

Please be aware of that:
1. Every course-regarding notification will be via email.  Please fill in the correct and usual-used email address when you sign up, also please check your spam folder to prevent missing letters.
2. In respect of IP right, please DO NOT record or videotape in class.
3. Please make sure you’re available on class dates before you sign up.  Please treasure our precious sources.

業務聯絡人:學生學習資源組 李佩芳小姐 連絡電話28819471分機5826
Organizer:Ms Lee, Tel:2881-9471 #5826



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