學 生 回 饋
1. | 很感謝Adrian盡自己所能的教學,因為時間很短老師也沒辦法教很多,但他把很多重點都教我們了。 |
2. | 老師教得很仔細,也很鼓勵學生多發表自己的想法,從老師那學到很多東西,謝謝老師很有耐心的指導 |
3. | I feel very grateful to participate in the 9 weeks course, and the teacher gave us many skills such as logical- thinking , coherence-writing and bravery-talking. |
4. | 老師的課讓我受益良多 雖然還有很多需要進步的 但老師提供了很大的協助 |
5. | 了解英文寫作的重點和聽力有進步 |
6. | 寫作技巧上確實收穫許多。之前在高中時期學校、補習班學習為了大考大寫作,都只是告訴你用比較艱深的字彙或是句型。但Adrian老師用文章的架構切入,並且分析他人文章,幫助我們學習,我覺得效果比起高中死背單字句型來的好上許多。 |
110-1 課 程 照 片
英 文 寫 作 班
老師上課全程使用「英文」與你溝通、討論,讓你彷彿就在國外留學的環境一樣,因此比較適合CEFR歐洲共同語文參考架構 B1程度的學生(約多益550~780分、托福iBT42~71分、雅思4~5級)
根據CEFR官方指南,一個B1中級英文級別學生的can-do statement包括:
Course Description:
Writing is an exploration; you start from nothing and learn as you go. This course not only highlights grammar and sentence structure but helps learners compose a paragraph, an essay, and a research paper in terms of a cause-effect genre, classification genre, comparison-contrast genre, persuasion genre, problem-solution genre, process genre, etc. Through a variety of activities, learners are going to be equipped with the knowledge and essential skills of composition.
課 程 資 訊 報名請參閱報名資訊網頁
雙溪 | |
上課時間 | 2021.10.12~2021.12.14,每週二 18:25~20:10 (11/16期中考停課一週),共9週 |
上課教室 | 開課前一週會寄信告知報名成功者 (以實體課為主,如遇主管機關集會限制,將視情況調整為遠距授課) |
授課教師 | 【黃翊之 Adrian】 美國北伊利諾大學,教育學博士 專長:學術英文寫作、專業英語、文化多元主義、教育社會學、教育哲學 |
課 程 大 綱
Theme | Remarks | |
Week 1 | Orientation & Pre-test | Pre-test & Basic Features of Writing |
Week 2 | Paragraph I | Paragraph Exploration I |
Week 3 | Paragraph II | Paragraph Exploration II |
Week 4 | Discussion | Writing Consultation |
Week 5 | Transition | From a Paragraph to an Essay |
Week 6 | Essay I | Essay Analysis I |
Week 7 | Essay II | Essay Analysis II |
Week 8 | Essay III & Post-test | Post-test & Essay Analysis III |
Week 9 | Discussion | Writing Consultation |
Learning Advice:
- Participation and engagement: These cannot merely develop and test your own understanding but also clarify material presented in lectures.
- Note-taking: It helps you process and understand the information you receive.
- A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life. Please take an advantage of it.
- “Cogito ergo sum”: This is a philosophical proposition by René Descartes. The simple meaning of this phrase is that I am thinking, therefore I exist. Please try to think in a critical, creative, and rational way and profoundly get immersed in learning.
- Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. This is one of the most inspirational from Mahatma Gandhi that can change one’s life. Please always place this quote in your mind.
- Time is the most precious thing you have and you can give to someone but you can never get it back. Please cherish time to learn and unfetter yourself in learning. Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams and I will show you a happy man!
課 程 說 明
Course Objectives:
By the end of the course, learners will
- Understand and apply common rhetoric modes in English writing;
- Compose English paragraphs and essays with unity and coherence;
- Demonstrate familiarity with essential academic English writing skills and strategies;
- Edit and proofread their own and their peers’writing.
授 課 對 象