閱 讀 短 篇 故 事 掌 握 英 文 字 彙   


Unlock the world of English literature without drowning in lengthy novels. Expand your vocabulary effortlessly through the power of short stories.
Introducing "Master English Vocabulary Through Reading Short Stories"
Dive into two carefully selected pieces of contemporary flash fiction, where humor and whimsy bring language to life. Our focused course offers:

  1. Two literary gems that spark joy and build confidence
  2. Vivid, elegant vocabulary absorbed through context
  3. Professional audio narrations for immersive learning
  4. Interactive sessions exploring word usage and phrasal nuances
  5. Engaging discussions to sharpen your speaking skills

Say goodbye to rote memorization. Let these crafted tales be your guide to English mastery.

   課 程 資 訊        報名前請參閱報名資訊網頁 ,確定報名請點選我

課程指定任務 Assigned Task 完成老師指定之測驗並獲得滿分Complete the teacher-assigned test and achieve a perfect score.
上課日期 Date 10/1~12/3星期二Tuesdays,共8堂 (停課school closed:10/29、11/5)
上課時間 Time 18:30~20:30,每堂課2小時
上課教室 Classroom

城中校區Downtown campus(教室位置將於課前Email通知)

上課須知 Notice 請確實簽到Please make sure to sign in for each class.
Teaching Method
The teacher will provide handouts for explanations and discussions.
授課教師 Teacher




   課 程 大 綱   

  • 短篇故事(一)
  • 背景與典故(神話)
  • 影片欣賞
  • 聽力訓練
  • 口語練習
  • 英文字彙能力訓練


  • Short Story (1)
  • Background and Allusions (Mythology)
  • Video Viewing
  • Listening Training
  • Speaking Practice
  • English Vocabulary Training
  • 短篇故事(二)
  • 背景與典故(當代文化)
  • 影片欣賞
  • 聽力訓練
  • 口語練習
  • 英文字彙能力訓練


  • Short Story (2)
  • Background and Allusions (Contemporary Culture)
  • Video Viewing
  • Listening Training
  • Speaking Practice
  • English Vocabulary Training


   課 程 說 明   


  • 精選極短篇小說:閱讀兩篇幽默風趣的英文極短篇小說,視情況可增加為三篇,讓你在短時間內享受完整的閱讀體驗。
  • 字彙賞析:透過用字遣詞的賞析,幫助同學跳脫傳統背單字的方法。
  • 影片欣賞與背景知識:配合影片欣賞及背景與典故介紹,提升閱讀的深度與廣度。
  • 聽力與口語訓練:提供聽力訓練與口語練習,讓學習更輕鬆有效。


  • 培養閱讀英文小說的興趣與習慣。
  • 增強對英文單字的理解與應用能力。
  • 提高聽力與口語表達能力。
  • 擴展文化知識,了解更多神話與當代文化背景。

Course Description:

  • Selected Flash Fiction: Read two humorous and whimsical English flash fiction stories, with a possibility of adding a third, allowing you to enjoy a complete reading experience in a short time.
  • Vocabulary Appreciation: Analysis of word usage and phrases to help students break free from traditional vocabulary memorization methods.
  • Video Viewing and Background Knowledge: Enhance the depth and breadth of reading with video viewings and background and mythological introductions.
  • Listening and Speaking Training: Provide listening training and speaking practice, adjusted according to proficiency level, making learning more relaxed and effective.

Course Purpose:

  • Cultivate an interest and habit of reading English novels.
  • Enhance understanding and application of English vocabulary.
  • Improve listening and speaking skills.
  • Expand cultural knowledge and understand more about mythology and contemporary cultural backgrounds.

   適 合 對 象   

  • 想提升英文閱讀能力的學習者。
  • 對英文極短篇小說有興趣的人士。
  • 想增加英文詞彙量的學習者。
  • 想提高聽力與口語能力的學習者。

Suitable for:

  • Learners who want to improve their English reading skills.
  • Individuals interested in English flash fiction.
  • Learners who want to increase their English vocabulary.
  • Learners who want to improve their listening and speaking skills.

   報 名 前 注 意 事 項:   

  1. 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  2. 課程中為尊重講師智財權,勿以任何形式錄音或錄影
  3. 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。

Please be aware of that:

  1. Every course-regarding notification will be via email.  Please fill in the correct and usual-used email address when you sign up, also please check your spam folder to prevent missing letters.
  2. In respect of IP right, please DO NOT record or videotape in class.
  3. Please make sure you’re available on class dates before you sign up.  Please treasure our precious sources.

業務聯絡人:學生學習資源組 李佩芳小姐 連絡電話28819471分機5826
Organizer:Ms Lee, Tel:2881-9471 #5826


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