英 語 充 電 站 - 八 週 實 戰 營   
   English Power Hub: 8-Week Sprint   

How can you maintain your English learning journey while juggling a busy college life? Despite the abundance of English videos and AI tools, does progress feel limited? Eager to improve all four skills but finding yourself lacking motivation? Take the first step with us – over eight weeks, you and your peers will discover a fresh approach to English learning. With supportive guidance, what once felt like a daunting goal will become a welcome challenge that you'll embrace with confidence.

報 名 前 注 意 事 項:

  • 此課程適合有一定英文基礎能力者
  • 此課程每週皆有英文作業(任務),請先考量自身學習負擔,再行報名。
  • 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  • 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。
  • This course is suitable for those with a certain level of English proficiency.
  • There will be English assignments (tasks) every week, so please consider your own study load before registering.
  • Admission and all course notifications will be communicated via email. Please provide a correct and frequently used email address when registering, and check your spam folder to avoid missing important information.
  • Please ensure that you will not miss any classes during the course period to avoid wasting resources.

   課 程 資 訊        報名前請參閱報名資訊網頁 ,確定報名請點選我

課程指定任務 Assigned Task

1. 一分鐘日記X7.
2. 模仿一段兩分鐘音檔X5

Audio Assignment (Choose One):

1.One-Minute Diary x7: Record a one-minute diary entry daily for seven days.
2.Audio Imitation x5: Mimic a two-minute audio clip five times.

上課日期 Date 3/18~5/20星期二Tuesdays,共8堂 8 weeks (停課school closed:4/1、4/15)
上課時間 Time 18:30~20:30,每堂課2小時
上課教室 Classroom

外雙溪校區Waishuangsi campus(教室位置將於課前Email通知)

上課須知 Notice 請確實簽到Please make sure to sign in for each class.
Teaching Method
The teacher will provide handouts for explanations and discussions.
授課教師 Teacher




   課 程 說 明   


  1. 口說訓練:
  • 學習正確有效地使用「跟讀法」
  • 以直覺、沈浸式的練習取代中式英文
  • 練習表達對各種主題的看法(參考雅思考題)
  • 充實口語表達的詞彙
  1. 閱讀訓練:
  • 隔週閱讀英文短篇
  • 複習英文句法
  • 感受英文的書寫技巧,提升用字能力


  • 提升學生的英文口說與聽力能力,增強對英文表達的自信心
  • 透過系統化的練習,幫助學生掌握有效的跟讀與直覺式口語技巧
  • 增加學生的英文閱讀能力,了解英文短篇故事的結構與寫作技巧
  • 強化詞彙與句法知識,提升英文寫作與口語的準確度與流暢度

Course Description:

  1. Speaking Training:
    Learn to use the "shadowing method" accurately and effectively.
    Replace traditional Chinese-English translation with intuitive and immersive practice.
    Practice expressing opinions on various topics (based on IELTS questions).
    Enrich vocabulary for oral communication.

  2. Reading Training:

    Read English short stories biweekly.
    Review English syntax and grammar.
    Experience English writing techniques to enhance word choice and expression skills.

Course Purpose:

  • Enhance students’ English speaking and listening skills, building confidence in self-expression.
  • Provide structured training to master effective shadowing and intuitive speaking techniques.
  • Improve reading comprehension by exploring the structure and writing techniques of English short stories.
  • Strengthen vocabulary and syntax knowledge to improve accuracy and fluency in English writing and speaking.

   適 合 對 象   

  • 對提升英文口語及閱讀能力有興趣的學生。
  • 希望擺脫中式英文,嘗試直覺與沈浸式練習的學習者。
  • 想要在忙碌生活中找回英文學習動力的學生。

Suitable for:

  • Students interested in improving their English speaking and reading skills.
  • Learners looking to break away from traditional Chinese-English translation methods and try intuitive and immersive practices.
  • Students seeking motivation to continue their English learning journey amidst a busy lifestyle.

   報 名 前 注 意 事 項:   

  1. 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  2. 課程中為尊重講師智財權,勿以任何形式錄音或錄影
  3. 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。

Please be aware of that:

  1. Every course-regarding notification will be via email.  Please fill in the correct and usual-used email address when you sign up, also please check your spam folder to prevent missing letters.
  2. In respect of IP right, please DO NOT record or videotape in class.
  3. Please make sure you’re available on class dates before you sign up.  Please treasure our precious sources.

業務聯絡人:學生學習資源組 李佩芳小姐 連絡電話28819471分機5826
Organizer:Ms Lee, Tel:2881-9471 #5826


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