
   學 生 回 饋   

1. 這堂課比我之前去上課其他英文課程比起來,壓力降低很多,雖然老師都是鼓勵我們說英文不怕我們說錯,但在這種娛樂的過程中會讓我心靈上更放鬆,在觀看老師示範魔術的同時思考然後嘗試表達,即便說的英文很簡單或是說錯,老師都會給予正向回應並且鼓勵,魔術雖然不是那種切人頭或是有鴿子飛出來,但都是平常我們可以自己做出來的,總之我很推薦之後想要參加英文課程的可以從這堂課開始。
2. 我從這次微課程中學習到一些小魔術與英文對話溝通能力,在這之中也能學習不同的單字和英文聽力。本課程也很有趣不是很單純的教課,我每次都有去上課。
3. 在上微課程前我以為就是一般的英文課,結果是如此的好玩且有趣,全程用英文進行思考與溝通,對於魔術也有增加一點了解也增進了英文實力,這真是一個很好的課程。
4. 謝謝老師帶來這幾週的魔術教學,慢慢領導我們學習,上課方式很輕鬆又可以學到東西👍
5. 英文課程融入魔術很有趣,也能學習很多不同語言及訓練推理能力。


   課 程 照 片   


   活 動 報 導   



【Impossible 加點魔法,就變成I’m possible. 】

112-1學期,學生學習資源組特邀請吳哲硯老師至本校進行「Magic English Mind魔英傳腦」英文魔術微課程,透過多個魔術互動環節,引導學生開口說英文,為學生帶來豐富的學習體驗。

「Magic English Mind魔英傳腦」不僅是一門英文學習課程,更是一次將娛樂和學習融為一體的獨特體驗。透過簡單有趣的魔術教學,參與者思考如何用英文表達魔法動作、解釋魔法的秘密以及與其他學生互動。這樣的學習方式讓英文變得生動有趣,享受魔法的神奇之處,同時培養學習者的表達能力。

Magic English Mind
Performing Magic, Speaking English, and Engaging the Audience’s Minds


PS. 講師會全程使用「英文」(必要時講師會輔以中文解釋)。

After completing this course, students will learn how to speak English fluently while performing magic tricks. That is, while you are doing magic tricks, you are using English to narrate what you are doing. Sometimes, you also use English to introduce the story behind the magic tricks.
In addition, students will acquire various types of magic skills, including close-up magic, party tricks, and mentalism, suitable for a wide range of occasions such as ice-breaking or event openings. Furthermore, storytelling has become a prominent skill in recent years. It is crucial to package key messages and persuade others through storytelling. Therefore, in this course, students will also learn how to influence others' decisions using the language of magic while speaking English.
By the end of the course, students will not only improve their spoken English and learn magic skills but also expand their vocabulary as they will need to use a wide range of advanced professional English terminology during their performances.
So, let's activate our English skills in the new semester and make some magic happen!
PS. The lecturer will use all-English during the course (explanation in Chinese will be provided when necessary). 

   課 程 資 訊        報名前請參閱報名資訊網頁 ,確定報名請點選我

上課日期 Date 10/5~11/30每週四,共7堂 (11/2、11/9停課)
上課時間 Time 18:30~20:30,每堂課2小時
上課教室 Classroom

雙溪校區Waishuanghsi campus(教室位置已於上課前Email通知)

課程人數 Accommodate 上限40
上課須知 Notice 請確實簽到 Please make sure to sign in for each class.
上課方式 Teaching Method 老師帶領、講解,學生演練 The teacher will lead and make demonstrations, while the students will practice.

Cheyen Wu吳哲硯老師


博士論文探討與魔術主題有關的英美小說。另外,也曾受邀於「新北市歡樂耶誕城活動起跑記者會」開幕 式、「行政院原子能委員會」表演魔術。

Cheyen Wu received his Ph.D. in English and American Literature from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University. He is now serving as an adjunct assistant professor at National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University's Language Learning and Writing Center, National Taiwan University of Arts' General Education Center, Shih Hsin University's Department of English and Communication, and Chinese Culture University’s Department of English Language and Literature. He also teaches a course on magic in the Bachelor's Program of Fashion Creative Industry & Branding Management at PCCU.
His doctoral dissertation explores the theme of magic in English and American
novels. Additionally, He has been invited to perform magic at events such as the opening ceremony of the "New Taipei City Merry Christmas Town" and the social gathering of Atomic Energy Council.


   課 程 大 綱   

  Theme Content


Orientation and Demonstration

2 誰是犯人
3. 隱形撲克

1. Squid Game
2. Whodunit
3. King’s New Deck



The Profoundness of English Vocabulary

1. 誰認識喬治?
2. 哪個動詞?
3. 百事贊助
4. 拼出來
5. 超人的雷射光

1. Anyone knows George?
2. Which Verb?
3. Sponsored by PEPSI
4. Spell It.
5. Superman’s Laser Beam



Communication with the Other World

1. 通靈板
2. 過世的名人
3. 鐵達尼號的罹難者

1. Quija Board
2. Dead Celebrity
3. Titanic Victims



The Ambiguity of Sentences

1. 兩個袋子
2. T-shirt
3. 失憶
4. 交通號誌
5. 同義字

1. Two Bags
2. T-Shirt
3. Amnesia
4. Traffic Signals
5. Synonym



Magic Storytelling in English

1. 綠野仙踪
2. 法老的魔術師
3. 斯特魯普效應
4. 賽姬的豆子

1. The Wizard of OZ
2. Pharoah’s Magician
3. Stroop’s Effect
4. Psyche’s Beans



Book Test

1. 版本一
2. 版本二
3. 版本三

1. Version One
2. Version Two
3. Version Three





Students will take turns performing magic tricks in fluent English and with elegant body movements. Through this process, students can improve by appreciating each other and receiving comments.


   課 程 說 明   



Course Description:
In this course, students can learn captivating magic tricks that stimulate English cognitive thinking, bolster responsiveness, and enhance communication skills. Amidst a world dominated by technology, engaging with magic and interacting with new friends foster closer human connections. The program also includes segments for practicing instructional simulations, enabling students to further refine their English speaking skills through enjoyalbe activities, applying English in practical situations, and overcoming the fear of speaking the language.

Course Purpose:
Students can enjoy the fun brought by magic and make new friends, while also enhancing their English cognitive thinking and oral expression skills.

   適 合 對 象   


Suitable for:

◆ Those who are interested in magic and want to expand their social circles.
◆ Those who wish to find satisfaction in the process.
◆ Those looking to improve their English speaking or communication skills.
◆ It is recommended that individuals with a foundation in English, such as a TOEIC score of 500 or above, consider signing up.

   報 名 前 注 意 事 項:   

  • 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  • 課程中為尊重講師智財權,勿以任何形式錄音或錄影
  • 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。

Important Notes Before Registration:
1. Acceptance and all course notifications will be commuicated via email. Please provide your correct and frequently used email address during registration. Also, remember to check your spam folder to prevent any oversight that might affect your interests.
2. Out of respect for the intellectual property rights of the instructors, please refrain from recording or filming in any form during the course.
3. Please ensure that you won't have any absences during the class period before registering, in order to avoid wasting resources.

業務聯絡人:學生學習資源組 李佩芳小姐 連絡電話28819471分機5826
Organizer:Ms Lee, Tel:2881-9471 #5826


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