Resume Writing and Job Interview   

   贏 在 起 跑 點 的 英 文 履 歷 面 試   

撰寫英文履歷及面試技巧是成功的重要一環!MandarinX 中⽂客創辦⼈-申芷熙老師 Dr. Estella Chen親自揭密英文履歷及面試技巧!助你在職場中脫穎而出,讓你的履歷成為亮點,在面試中展現出色的自信。
PS. 講師會全程使用「英文」(必要時講師會輔以中文解釋)。

Are you ready to step into the workplace? Crafting an English resume and mastering interview skills are crucial components of success! MandarinX founder, Dr. Estella Chen, will personally unveil the secrets of English resume writing and interview techniques. This will help you stand out in the workplace, turning your resume into a highlight and showcasing impressive confidence during interviews.
PS. The lecturer will use all-English during the course (explanation in Chinese will be provided when necessary). 

   課 程 資 訊        報名前請參閱報名資訊網頁 ,確定報名請點選我

上課日期 Date 3/12~5/14,星期二Tuesdays,共8堂 (停課school closed:4/2、4/16)
上課時間 Time 18:30~20:30,每堂課2小時
上課教室 Classroom

城中校區Downtown campus(教室位置已Email通知)

Up to 30 students (Junior and senior students will be given priority in admission.)
請確實簽到 Please make sure to sign in for each class.
Teaching Method
主要以英文授課。老師帶領、講解,學生演練 The teacher will lead and make demonstrations, while the students will practice.
授課教師 Teacher

Dr. Estella Chen申芷熙老師

-MandarinX 中⽂客創辦⼈ / 執⾏長
-美國南加州⼤學 國際領導教育博⼠
-美國南加州⼤學 TESOL 英語教學碩⼠
-曾任 LG 企業內部英⽂訓練講師

Dr. Estella Chen is the founder and CEO of MandarinX. Previously, she was a professor at universities conducting business English courses at college of commerce which aims to develop students’ level of general English, along with providing skills such in the planning and writing of academic texts, understanding lectures and note taking, and the preparation and presentation of seminars. She obtained her Master’s degree from the University of Southern California (USC) where her passion for applied linguistics began to take root. She also earned her doctoral degree from the USC’s Rossier School of Education, whose dissertation on online Mandarin learning won the Dissertation of the Year award. Her research interests and practical experiences are increasingly sought after among online language education professionals and academics.


   課 程 大 綱   



Assess your own characteristics and professional skills.



Job searching and formatting



Goals and achievements



C. A. R. Strategies



Elements and templates for cover letters





履歷實戰寫作坊 (採取一對一諮詢模式)

Resume writing workshop (one-on-one consultation)



Job interview


   課 程 說 明   

跟著 CEO 寫出外商公司青睞的超強英文履歷!

寫出你專屬的求職信(cover letter),搶下面試的機會!

Course Description and Purpose:
This is your now or never moment to get your resume out there and open yourself up to getting a lot of interviews! As the founder and CEO of my company for the past six years, I look for many of the same qualities and traits as other CEOs when hiring. After we complete your resume and cover letter, we will get to the “Do’s and Don’ts” for when you finally get the job interview.


   適 合 對 象   


Suitable for:
◆For those who aspire to work in foreign companies but are unsure how to write an English resume.
◆ For those who need to prepare an English resume and seek guidance on format and writing techniques.
◆ For those currently preparing for an English interview but feeling lost on how to prepare.

   報 名 前 注 意 事 項:   

  • 錄取及所有課程通知將以Email作為聯繫管道,報名時請填列正確且常用之信箱,並請注意垃圾信匣,以免疏漏而影響自身權益。
  • 課程中為尊重講師智財權,勿以任何形式錄音或錄影
  • 請確認上課期間不會缺課再報名,避免浪費資源。

Please be aware of that:
1. Every course-regarding notification will be via email.  Please fill in the correct and usual-used email address when you sign up, also please check your spam folder to prevent missing letters.
2. In respect of IP right, please DO NOT record or videotape in class.
3. Please make sure you’re available on class dates before you sign up.  Please treasure our precious sources.

業務聯絡人:學生學習資源組 李佩芳小姐 連絡電話28819471分機5826
Organizer:Ms Lee, Tel:2881-9471 #5826


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